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Potty Training

STOP! Is your child REALLY ready?

Potty training has the reputation of being stressful and makes a lot of parents and carers anxious. It does not need to be stressful! Follow these tips and all will be well…

  • STOP! Is your child really ready? This is the 1st mistake that’s made. Do not feel the pressure to train your child simply because your friends are. Every child reaches their own milestones in their own time.

  • Once you start and those nappies come off you need to continue. No going back!

  • Are they showing an interest in the potty/toilet? Ensure this is part of their daily routine before their bath for a couple of weeks before you begin.

  • Is their speech at the right level? Do they have enough language to be able to tell you they need the toilet?

  • Block out two weeks where you can stay at home and leave the house only for essential trips. An example if which would be school runs for an older sibling, this has journey has to take place. Otherwise stay at home so your child can be near the potty at all times.

  • Talk to your child. Explain to your child that their nappy will be going they will be wearing big boy/girl pants. Take them shopping so they can choose their own pants. Engage them as much as possible in the process, get them excited!

  • Make a reward chat. Every time your child does a wee on the potty they can choose a sticker to put on their chart. Again engage with them as much as possible, may be they would like to make the chart? Choose the stickers when they buy their pants?

  • To begin with it may be all very rushed, your child is likely to leave their trip to the potty until the last second so ensure your child is wearing trousers that are easy to pull down, no dungarees.

  • If they have an accident, which they will, do not get cross. Just brush it off and get them changed. Try and ignore the accidents and reinforce the positives! Do not get me wrong it is easier said than done. However the worst possible situation is turning this into a battle of wills. You will get angry and your toddler will not care, they will simply continue to wee their pants.

  • Praise! Praise! And more praise!

I hope this guide was helpful and I genuinely wish you the best of luck!

Stay calm and get in touch for a bespoke plan for you and your child.

Charlotte x

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