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Parenting tips during lockdown

Updated: May 19, 2020

These are unprecedented times for everyone. Remember that you are doing the best you can. It is an especially testing time since no one knows how or when this is going to end. Try to stay as calm and positive as possible. It is tough for parents, carers and your children. It is important to remember that a child’s emotional well-being is the foundation to all their learning. So in essence if a child is not happy they simply cannot learn.

  • Try and keep to a routine. A routine helps the children to feel being safe, secure and provides structure. This is extremely important during this odd time.

  • Explain to your child what is happening, it is no secret. Use simple language they will understand.

  • Write the routine out and pin it to the kitchen/playroom wall. That way the children learn to know what is expected of them. They can refer to the schedule themselves.

  • Make use of the daily exercise allowance. Children need fresh air, and exercise will help them to concentrate better when they are expected to do their home schooling work.

  • Provide children with snacks and water. This will also enhance their concentration levels and keep them hydrated.

  • Write a meal plan for week, this ensure the children are not just snacking and will help maintain a balanced diet for them.

  • If you feel that your stress levels are getting too high whilst trying to teach them, walk away, take a breather. You’re not a teacher; do not put too much pressure on them or yourself. Remember that every family is in the same boat; all the children will be behind once school restarts.

  • Smile and hug your children, reassure them.

  • Enjoy this time with your children. Embrace all this extra time you have together, it may not happen again in the future.

I hope this guide was helpful and I genuinely wish you the best of luck!

Stay calm and get in touch for a bespoke plan for you and your child.

Charlotte x

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