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HELP! My baby does not sleep

Imagine, it is 2 am and your baby wakes. What are you going to do? Carry them into your bedroom? Sleep on the nursery floor? Make and give them a bottle? Even get the baby up and have a play? I have heard all of these scenarios a hundred times over the years, if not more! You are not alone. It is incredibly hard to think straight when we are sleep deprived and feels like Chinese water torture when you hear that screaming at 2am. However, it is worth the pain of sleep training your babies as soon as this happens rather than creating more issues that need dealing with further down the line. ‘Easier said than done!’ I hear you cry, and yes, there is no blanket policy that will fit all. Some parents will be happy to hear their baby cry, some will not. No one has the right to judge anyone’s parenting style, what works for one family will not necessarily work for another’s. So whilst I list some hints and tips below, they are generic and may require tweaking for your family.

  • Ensure that your baby is eating a healthy and balanced diet throughout the day.

  • Try and take your baby outside twice a day, or at least once, for some fresh air.

  • Establish a solid sleep routine during the day.

  • Create a quiet and calm environment in their bedroom.

  • Establish a solid bedtime routine.

  • Make sure their room is the correct temperature, between 20 and 22 degrees centigrade.

  • If your baby wakes try and wait before entering the bedroom, the baby may settle itself.

  • If not or you do not want to wait, as I stated earlier everyone is different, then creep in and stroke them. If you baby has a dummy/comforter/mobile simply pop it back in and/or turn it on and creep back out again.

  • Try not to speak to your baby. Your movement and smell is enough for your baby to know you are there and hopefully soothe them enough to send them back to sleep.

  • Continue this throughout the night and hopefully, after a few nights, your baby will stop waking.

  • You will get through it and it will be worth it!

I hope this guide was helpful and I genuinely wish you the best of luck!

Stay calm and get in touch for a bespoke plan for you and your baby.

Charlotte x

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